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Bratislava will be the venue of summit "For equal quality of products for all"


A summit dedicated to the topic of dual product quality will be held in Bratislava on Friday, the 13th of October, 2017. It shall bear the title "For equal quality of products for all" and will be the place for discussion and finding solutions against practices creating two categories of consumers with the aim of taking necessary steps to achieve correction.

"The practice has to end, one we refuse on principle," stated Robert Fico at a press conference held in Brussels on 27 June this year after a meeting with the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on this topic. "We are no second category citizens, we will not accept a situation where products sold in the same package and under the same name are of lesser quality in our countries than those in Western Europe," Prime Minister emphasized. The upcoming Bratislava summit will therefore be a concrete contribution of Slovakia, reaffirming the effort by the Slovak Prime Minister, to finding opportunities how to remove the differences in dual product quality on the European market. Participants will present the results of comparative testing of product quality sold in the West and East of Europe respectively, introducing new regulations to the common European legislation in this area.

Travelling to Bratislava will be the Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Poland Beata Szydlo, EC Commissioner for Justice, Consumers, and Gender Equality Viera Jourova, representatives of Governments of EU and V4 member states, as well as representatives of the European Parliament responsible for agriculture and internal market, including the representatives of several consumer associations.
The problem of dual product quality was pointed out by the Slovak Prime Minister earlier this year who initiated a meeting of V4 Prime Ministers held in Warsaw in March this year.

Information for Accredited Media

The Summit on Equal Quality of Products for All will take place on Friday, 13th October 2017 at Bratislava Castle, Slovakia.

The Press Centre, located at the entrance to the castle, is open from 08.00 – 16.00. Press can collect accreditation badges directly from the Press Centre on Friday, 13th October. Press must pass through security prior to entry to Bratislava Castle.

There will be two opportunties for official photographers (Pool 1 and Pool 2) which are held concurrently -  it is not possible to attend Pool 1 and Pool 2 at the same time.

PLEASE NOTE: Photographers and cameramen must arrive before 09.00. Late arrivals will not be allowed to attend Photo Opportunity 1 (Official Welcome and shaking of hands) and Photo Opportunity 2 (Opening Speeches).

Videos and photos of the speeches and press conference will be available to download on the website of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, click here http://www.vlada.gov.sk/materialy-zo-samitu/ 

Live broadcast of the speeches will be streamed from the Press Centre.  Simultaneous interpretation in English, Slovak, Hungarian and Polish languages will be available. Sound recording is possible.   

Wi-Fi and refreshments will be available for journalists at the Press Centre.

Official Programme
Summit on Equal Quality of Products for All
Bratislava Castle
Friday, 13th October 2017
Programme is subject to change

09.50 h          
Bratislava castle, garden
Arrival of Prime Ministers
Photo Opportunity (Pool 1)
10.00 h          
Bratislava castle, Winter Riding Hall
Start of the Summit, Opening Speeches by Guest Speakers, in the following order:
· Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
· Bohuslav Sobotka, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
· Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary
· Beata Szydlová, Prime Minister of Poland
· Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
Photo Opportunity  (Pool 2)
11.00 h          
Bratislava Castle
Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the V4 countries
Photo Opportunity (Pool 1)
12.20 h          
Bratislava castle, Knight Hall
Press Conference
Simultaneous interpretation available in Slovak, English, Hungarian and Polish