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Memorandum of Understanding of the Visegrad Group Countries on Enhancing Cooperation in the Field of Space Research and Peaceful Use of Outer Space

WITH REFERENCE to the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies;
RECOGNIZING the importance of international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space and space research;
WITH REGARDS to new European initiatives, such as the Space Programme of the European Union and the Agenda 2025 of the European Space Agency;
CONVINCED that closer cooperation of our countries’ space sectors will play a key role in increasing the cohesion and the competitiveness of Central Europe, and contribute to the growth and strengthening of our space industry;
  • Regularly consult on our countries’ position in matters of mutual interest regarding space-related policy on the agenda of the European Union, the European Space Agency, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and other relevantinstitutions. 
  • Hold regular meetings on expert level to share experience and lessons learned regarding the common European and global spaceecosystem.
  • Foster academic, scientific and industry cooperation in space-related research, development and innovation, and to support the forming of joint consortiums to increasethecompetitivenessofourspaceindustryininternationalspaceprograms, tenders andcalls.
  • Map and share test facilities in order to shorten research and development time and to lower testingcosts.
  • Examine the feasibility of launching joint spaceprojects.
  • Initiate joint projects to increase the visibility of the Visegrad Space Cooperation outside of CentralEurope.

The participating institutions may jointly decide upon any other areas of cooperation, within the scope of this Memorandum of Understanding.
Joint programmes and projects will be coordinated by the incumbent Presidency of the VisegradGroup, unless decided otherwise unanimously by the participating institutions involved in the given programme or project from the countries of the Visegrad Cooperation.
This Memorandum of Understanding does not constitute an international treaty and hence generates no legal rights and obligations.
This Memorandum of Understanding will come into operation on the date of its signature.

Signed in Budapest on 13 December 2021.

Prime Minister
Prime Minister
of the
Slovak Republic
Prime Minister
of the
Czech Republic
Prime Minister
of the
Republic of Poland
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie: 13.12.2021