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Developing tools and platforms for dissemination...

The dissemination of information on European and national policy and legislation in the area of non-discrimination will be facilitated via a number of activities, primarily via the portal the contents of which will be innovated and in some cases revised for the duration of the project and which will be regularly updated (and also indirectly via other project media activities, the regional symposium and the summer school). Relevant project outputs will also be published on the website of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Human Rights and National Minorities
An innovative element will create the capacity for the direct online broadcast of all public events completed within the project.

Its contents also directly relate to the third objective - Fostering dissemination of information on EU and national policy and legislation in the non-discrimination field.

The results of the implementation of the first and second priority lead to their presentation at a regional symposium which will provide professionals from Slovakia and the wider area of central Europe with information on these results. Following the professional discussion on the conclusions of the analysis of the application of anti-discrimination legislation as well as the conclusions from Platform of Legal Experts, a compendium will be developed containing recommendations for overcoming identified barriers. These recommendations will be transposed into the amended Slovak anti-discrimination legislation at the end of 2012 in order to facilitate creations of an efficient and functional environment for the application of the principles of equal treatment in the future.
Information related to the project activities (if relevant and technically feasible) will be published on as well as on the websites of all project partners.
The portal is an open platform for publishing and disseminating information on the principle of equal treatment, discrimination, its symptoms and causes, potential approaches to eliminate it as well as actors that can contribute to this effort. The portal is based on the principles of openness, cooperation and transparency, which are transposed into the creation of a common area and the application of interdisciplinary approaches during its creation. It provides information on the current and planned events or activities connected to the issue of discrimination and equal treatment. It also presents an interesting range of references and links to other organisations and websites.   
The ambition of the educational activities of the project is to provide future professionals and opinion makers as well as the representatives of the supporting professions with current information on these issues as well as to sensitise young people on anti-discrimination and to give them relevant instruments for this area. Summer school for university students as well as their long-term education focused on the application of equal treatment into practice, especially in developing public policies, brings the opportunity to present at a complex level the interdisciplinary nature of the legal, political, philosophical, sociological and psychological connections within discrimination.
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